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Tommy Puke and the World’s Grossest Grown-up


When Tommy Puke, the grossest kid in the world, runs up against Rhino Man, a barfing hero who’s grosser than he is, Tommy decides to hang up his puke. But Tommy’s best friend, Josh, gets the god of vomit, Chonganda, to help Tommy get his mojo back by giving him a peek at his future as a super-gross grown-up.

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Who’s the grossest kid in the world? Tommy Puke, that’s who! He fights off bullies with his mighty loogies…conquers jerks with his powerful farts…and sticks up for his pet skunk by driving off wild dogs with his blistering bad breath. But what happens when Tommy meets Rhino Man, a barfing hero who’s grosser than he is? What happens when Rhino Man shows off stomach-churning fighting moves that even Tommy can’t match? What happens is this: Tommy feels inferior and decides to hang up his puke. But Tommy’s best friend, Josh, won’t give up on him. Josh gets the god of vomit, Chonganda, to let Tommy peek at his future as a grown-up. Will grown-up Tommy convince little Tommy to get gross again? Even if Tommy gets his mojo back, can he hope to defeat the mighty hair-horned Rhino Man and his bag of sickening tricks? One thing is for sure: the puke, boogers, loogies, poop, and goop will fly! Join Tommy Puke for action, laughs, and more disgusting gross-outs than you can shake a booger at!

Offered in two formats: E-BOOK and SPECIAL EDITION PAPERBACK.

E-BOOK will contain 3 files: .EPUP | .MOBI | .PDF

SPECIAL EDITION: will be signed.


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